District Administrators

The challenge. During the past two school years, a significant number of our K-Kids clubs declared that they were inactive due to the pandemic. Others simply went inactive. Most schools will be back on a more normal schedule this fall, and we want to reach out to all those inactive K-Kids clubs. Our efforts are titled: HOMECOMING 2021.

The approach. Those K-Kids clubs will be contacted in several ways:

  • The process will begin with the leaders of Kiwanis clubs that sponsor these K-Kids clubs. The president-elect of each Kiwanis club that sponsors an inactive K-Kids club will be contacted by direct mail and email from Kiwanis International. Some of them will also receive a phone call.
  • The Kiwanis club president-elect will be asked to ensure that their club is an active supporter of the K-Kids club and provides an active Kiwanis advisor.
  • The Kiwanis advisor, with the help of the Kiwanis club president-elect, will be asked to reach out to the school administration and the faculty advisor of the K-Kids club.

Once the school has approved the K-Kids club’s operation for this school year, update the club advisor information through the Club Renewal Center. If help is needed, call Kiwanis International— +1-317-875-8755 or 1-800-KIWANIS ext 411 (U.S. and Canada) —to update information.

No reactivation fee is charged if the K-Kids club has gone to inactive status in the last two years. To qualify for this fee forgiveness, the club needs to contact Kiwanis International no later than December 31, 2021.

The request. Each district administrator is asked to devise a contact plan for their inactive clubs. The district administrators can find a link to the current list of inactive clubs and inactive-due-to-pandemic clubs on the district administrator page of the website. If you would like another copy of this list, please email .

Resource locator. Resources are located at kkids.org/homecoming. The information is camera-ready, and printed pieces are available and can be shared as needed in each district. Ideally, each district newsletter — as well as each district website — will carry information on Homecoming 2021.

Additional resources for programs and promotion:

Sample call script to club leaders 
Sample letter to school administrators 
Sample letter for recruiting faculty advisors 

Homecoming Winter Update Webinar: 

Learn more about club growth resources and success stories in this recording of the December 1 Homecoming Webinars.  

Watch webinar recording.

Homecoming Webinar Recording: “Resources to help your SLP” –  Learn more about why we launched the Homecoming campaign — and about the helpful resources available online to help you reactivate or reengage your SLP clubs. We also introduce exciting new programming resources, such as monthly meeting kits, the Global Leadership Certificate program, Virtual Key Leader and advisor training.

Watch webinar recording.

Homecoming Webinar Recording: “Sponsoring a Kiwanis Service Leadership Program: Who, how and why.” – Hear from the Kiwanis Youth Programs board on the responsibilities specific to sponsoring SLP clubs. In addition, Kiwanis leaders in the field share reasons that students and participants love SLP programs — and how these programs benefit communities. Kiwanis Youth Program board members Paul Palazzolo, George Cadman, Donna Parton, Alexis Langerak and Karin Church offer their perspective on sponsoring SLPs, and Sue Petrisin, Les King, Kip Crain and Craig Crawford discuss the role of SLP in schools.

Watch webinar recording.

For more information, contact .