Is there a club officer who went the extra mile to offer guidance and support or an advisor who encourages and helps others do their best? Do you want to celebrate an extraordinary service project that your K-Kids club carried out or your club’s overall teamwork and high- quality service to school and community? Consider recognizing these individuals and the whole club by participating in one or more of the K-Kids award and recognition opportunities.
Review nomination criteria for Distinguished Club Officers and Distinguished Club Advisors and assist club members in submitting online nominations between April 1 and May 1, 2023. Also, every active K-Kids club in good standing is eligible to be recognized as a Distinguished Club or Honor Club. Review this award’s criteria on the self-scoring Annual Achievement Report to learn what the club needs to do to earn points toward recognition. Then, have club members work together to complete the required activities. The report can be submitted from May 1 to June 10, 2023. To learn more about K-Kids award and recognition opportunities, visit