About K-Kids

Young leaders helping others.

Who we are

K-Kids is one of the largest service organization for elementary school students, with nearly 23,000 members worldwide. The first K-Kids was chartered in 2000. Today, there are more than 988 clubs worldwide.

K-Kids is a student-led community service organization that operates under school regulations and draws its members from the student body. Community-based K-Kids clubs also can be established at churches, libraries, YMCAs, lodges or similar facilities. A Kiwanis club, composed of like-minded, service-oriented people from the community, serves as the club’s sponsor.

K-Kids is structured only on the local club level but is supported by district volunteers appointed by Kiwanis leaders and the Kiwanis International Office in Indianapolis, Indiana, which provides guidelines, programs, educational resources and club recognition opportunities.

Review K-Kids Frequently Asked Questions learn more.

Download and view the Start a K-Kids Club video.

What we stand for


Young leaders helping others.


We envision a world where all students have the opportunity to develop as caring, confident leaders who help others through service.


K-Kids is a global student-led program that provides members with learning and experiences to build character, improve communities and gain leadership skills through service.


To develop students' service and leadership skills. To provide opportunities for students to learn, engage, serve and lead to benefit their school, community and the world. to foster caring, empathy and good character in students.

Core Values

Leadership: The ability to listen, communicate, serve and guide others. Service: Helping to improve the community and world. Learning: Building skills and gaining knowledge. Inclusiveness: Accepting and welcoming differences in other people. Character: The ability to do the right thing, even when it might be an un popular choice.


As a K-Kid, I promise to serve others and to make the world a better place for all.

Service Leadership Model

Preparing people for service leadership is the primary goal of Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs. The K-Kids experience prepares young children to begin this journey as they learn about the characteristics and actions of leadership and how to service others in their community.