Start a club

Help K-Kids discover the desire to serve.

K-Kids can provide opportunities for students to discover their desire to serve. When students discover their heart to serve, they decide that serving others is a new, exciting way of life. The service club experience at a young age can help students accept their own ability to make a difference, enhance their knowledge of their own passions and convictions, and develop their ability to empathize with those in need in their communities.

What does having a desire to serve look like? You’ll notice members:

  • Show more care and compassion for each other.

  • Identify needs in their school and community with less prompting.

  • Can better express their beliefs and ideas about how they want to help others.

  • Can discuss their service projects in greater depth and insight.

  • Identify themselves as the ones who can make a difference.

How can you support this discovery?

  • Ensure that community service remains the clubs main focus.

  • Facilitate conversations before and after service projects to help students express their emotions and insights.

  • Pay attention to members who identify a passion and help them find resources to investigate this further.

  • Introduce the club to community charities and cause-related organizations.

  • Make sure the club’s choices for projects and service initiatives are student led.

Resources for starting a club


Review community service project resources to help you get started. Club officers are encouraged to lead activities that help club members select and plan high-impact service projects.

Planning service projects

Learn how to plan a community service project.


Consider using these resources to advocate the cause you're supporting with your club's community service efforts. Build awareness by sharing about issues through these creative methods.


Learn great strategies for raising funds to support organizations who are making a positive impact in your community. Learn more about the Kiwanis Children's Fund and how your club can offer support.

K-Kids Week

Conduct fun community service events during K-Kids Week. Members are encouraged to share their K-Kids pride through kind acts and more.