
Get ready to have fun and help your community

K-KIDS Club members – congratulations!

You’re a K-Kid. Get ready to have fun and help your community. K-Kids is a service club for students in elementary school. It’s led by elementary students just like you and teaches the value of helping others by taking part in community service projects.

As a member of the club you’re agreeing to the following: 

  • Attend club meetings.

  • Participate in service and fundraising projects.

  • Learn and live the club pledge and core values.

  • Invite other students to join.

  • Help with Kiwanis-family service projects and events.

  • Practice service leadership by coaching and building talents of others.

Things you need to know
Here you’ll find resources to help you organize service projects, run club meetings and much, much more.

Moving to middle school?

Join or start a Builders Club

You’re graduating from elementary school and headed to middle school next year. Continue your community service experience by taking the next step in the Kiwanis family, and joining or starting a Builders Club. Hang with awesome people who feel your same passion about helping others and giving back to the community. Builders Clubs focus on empowering you through service to others.

Resources to help you make the move

Guide to starting a Builders Club 

Intent to join a Builders Club

Read and share the Builders Club promotional flier

Member Resources