K-Kids Meeting Kit

Civic Engagement

1. Welcome

a. Introductions.

i. Introduce officers.

ii. Introduce advisor.

iii. Introduce guests.

b. Icebreakers — Check out these ideas to kick off the meeting.

2. Old business

a. Report on service projects completed at home after last meeting.

b. Committee report on current club service projects:

i. Determine what has been planned to date.

ii. Discuss remaining plans to be made.

iii. Assign members to each task and day of event.

3. New business

a. What is civic engagement?

i. Civic engagement is working to make a difference in the life of your community.

b. What kinds of activities come from civic engagement?

i. Vote, work for candidates, work to register voters, community cleanup, road cleanup, graffiti cleanup, help seniors and younger students, etc.

c. View the short YouTube video: “What is Civic Engagement?

i.  Whose job is it to solve the community’s problems?

a) Business, government, charities, and people, etc.

ii. How can people solve problems?

a) A shared understanding of the community’s needs and collaboration.

iii. How do people make a difference?

a) Volunteering, organizing, fundraising, etc.

4. Service project

a. Clubs in the U.S.

i. View the video: “The Election Question.”

ii. Make posters and posts about the importance of voting. Decide which members will do what items. (Resources for creating posters and videos at Canva.)

b. Clubs outside the U.S.

i.  How can our voices and opinions be expressed to elected officials in the government? What current topics do we have an interest in as we serve our school and community through K-Kids?

ii. Refer to the lists from the last meeting and determine a project that could be done at home.

iii. Let everyone know what materials will be needed.

iv. The instructions can be given during the meeting, and the members can finish it before the next meeting.

5. Adjournment

a. Thank everyone for their participation and especially thank the guests.

b. Give details about next meeting.

Usage Survey — As we look ahead, we would appreciate your input on the meeting kits. Please take this survey to give us your feedback and suggest any topics you would like to see on future kits!

Download a PDF of this kit.