
Be a successful K-Kids advisor.

Adult advisors are the guides and mentors for K-Kids members and officers. They encourage, train and support students as they carry out club activities. Most K-Kids clubs have both a faculty advisor and a Kiwanis advisor. Understanding advisors’ roles is important to the club’s success. Read on below to understand advisors’ roles — and learn about advisors’ responsibilities in the K-Kids Advisor Guide.

Types of K-Kids advisors

Faculty advisor
Each K-Kids club has a faculty advisor who is the primary adult responsible for guiding the students in the club. They are chosen from the faculty, staff or administration of the school, organization or other host site. The faculty advisor knows the students and is familiar with the site’s procedures and policies. They are the liaison between the K-Kids club, Kiwanis advisor and the host site’s administrators. When an employee of the host site is not available, a parent/guardian or Kiwanis advisor can serve as the faculty advisor with the approval of the administration.

Kiwanis advisor
The Kiwanis advisor’s role is to support the K-Kids club’s activities. They are appointed by the sponsoring Kiwanis club and serve as its liaison and main volunteer to the K-Kids club.

Their responsibilities vary and can include:

  • Inviting the K-Kids to participate in the Kiwanis club’s service events and for officers to present at Kiwanis club meetings or during the Kiwanis district’s convention.

  • Inviting the Kiwanis club to support K-Kids service projects with volunteers, donations or promotion in the community.

  • Helping the K-Kids make connections with community organizations.

  • Assisting with specific tasks (such as, the installation ceremony or officer training).

Also, Kiwanis advisors are required to follow Youth Protection Guidelines. These include clearing a background check with Kiwanis International and completing Praesidium youth protection courses every two years.

Advisor events (2024-25)
Register for upcoming advisor virtual events or watch recordings of past events.


Surveys for K-Kids members and advisors
Advisor and member feedback about club experiences is important to the improvement of resources and support offered by Kiwanis International Please plan to have your club participate in surveys at the beginning and end of the year! They take 6–8 minutes to complete. Clubs and advisors that participate have a chance to receive a US$25 Amazon gift card.

Member Survey Open September 1-30: The K-Kids member beginning-of-year survey is open September 1–30.

End-of-year Advisor and Member Surveys: The K-Kids advisor end-of-year survey and K-Kids member end-of-year survey is open April 1 – May 15.

Advisor resources

Basic tools for advisors can make it easier to keep track and complete the many tasks involved in guiding a K-Kids club. Check out the K-Kids Advisor Guide, calendar, permission and photo release forms, e-newsletters, certificates, training videos and more.

Advisor education

Check out training and event videos and presentations for new and experienced advisors. Learn important things to know about Kiwanis, the advisor’s role, recruiting members, and more.

Club resources

Running effective and engaging club meetings ensures that all members learn, engage, serve and lead. Download digital versions of the club’s program kit materials. Find meeting kits for club operations.

Marketing and member recruitment

Recruit members by sharing information about K-Kids with your school or community. Help students and families understand the benefits of K-Kids — as well as when and where meetings happen — with the K-Kids video, flyers, presentations and more.

Awards and contests

Explore K-Kids awards and contest opportunities and submit club and individual entries by the April 1 deadline. Review the Annual Achievement Report early in the year and make sure to submit it to earn a Distinguished or Honor Club award!