What are the benefits of K-Kids membership?
Involvement in K-Kids provides the opportunity to develop self-esteem, leadership skills, morals and standards and respect for others. This program involves elementary students, their parents, teachers and Kiwanis members in developing a character education opportunity as well as exposure to the concepts of community service and service learning.

Members learn that their opinions and ideas count, and that they can be productive members of society. They form sound personal values and experience satisfaction in knowing they did something to help improve the world around them. K-Kids members learn to work together as a group and yet be strong individually.

How do I join?
K-Kids membership is open to any student who desires to become a leader in his/her school and community and wishes to provide service to others. Let the K-Kids club advisor at your school know that you’re interested in participating. If your school doesn’t have a K-Kids club – start one.

How many members are needed to start a K-Kids club?
There is not a set minimum number of members, but it is suggested that 15 students participate. This gives the club a good, strong start!

How much time do K-Kids clubs take?
Clubs meet as often as they choose, according to their own requirements. Each club is run independently and can adapt to the needs of members, advisors and sponsors. The club you sponsor will set its own meeting times and plan its own projects and activities.

What are the responsibilities of the Kiwanis club to the K-Kids club?
Appoint a representative advisor to the club and ensure he/she receives adequate orientation/training. Kiwanis advisors to any sponsored Service Leadership Program will be required to have a criminal background check conducted and verified by Kiwanis International.

  • Ensure the advisor attends every meeting.
  • Maintain an expense line item in the organization budget to support the activities of the club.
  • Meet with the school principal or organization manager before the beginning of the school year.
  • Pay the annual K-Kids club fee to Kiwanis International.
  • Ensure club officers receive proper training following election.
  • Hold a planning session involving the leadership of the Kiwanis club/sponsoring organization and the K-Kids club officers.
  • Host or participate in two joint activities involving the membership of the club and sponsoring organization.
  • Invite K-Kids club members to attend Kiwanis/sponsoring organization meetings.
  • Ensure K-Kids club members are provided training opportunities beyond the club level.

How much does it cost to start a K-Kids club?
The cost to charter can vary from $180 to $300 depending on geographic location. The cost to renew every year is $215.

What do I receive in the program kit when I charter or renew my K-Kids club?

K-Kids clubs receive a program kit upon chartering, and annually as they renew. The kit includes essential tools such as an advisor guide, member handbooks, buttons and more.

What if the club is unable to secure a faculty advisor?
If the club is unable to find a faculty member to serve as a club advisor a parent can volunteer to serve in this role. The parent will need to meet volunteer requirements established by the school and have the approval of the principal.

Is there K-Kids club branded merchandise available for purchase?
Absolutely. The Kiwanis store offers a variety of K-Kids branded merchandise.

What if a club member is injured during a club meeting or event?
Club members who are included on the club’s official membership roster are covered by Kiwanis International liability insurance. Learn more about this K-Kids membership benefit.

Have more questions?
Contact the Kiwanis International member services team at 1-800-549-2647 ext. 411 or email .