Use guides, kits, videos, forms and more to help with of service.
Lead club operations and service meetings and learn about causes.
Find flyers, logos, and more to recruit members and promote K-Kids.
Learn More
Permission to Participate form
1. Running a club
K-Kids Service Guide
K-Kids Member Guide
K-Kids Officer Guides
K-Kids Committee Chair Guide
Parliamentary procedure
Icebreakers and teambuilders
K-Kids journal
Mindfulness Activities
Taking care of you activity
2. Forms
Photograph Release Consent form
Permission to Participate form (Spanish version)
Budgeting form
Photograph Release Consent form (Spanish version)
K-Kids PowerPoint template
3. Meetings and communications
Member Card (fillable, Avery name tag Template 5390)
Thank you card template
Member table tents
Member Certificate (Fillable)
Officer table tents (black print)
Officer table tents (blue print)
Fillable table tents
Club officer installation script
4. Ceremonies and celebrations
Charter presentation guide
Celebration ideas
Prepare officers to lead
5. Education and training
Help members lead
Elect and train new officers for next year
How to plan a leadership retreat
Find "flow" with committees
Builders Club promotional flyer
6. Join Builders Club
How to start a Builders Club flyer