The Kiwanis family

A global organization of volunteers

As a part of Kiwanis International, K-Kids club members join a global organization of volunteers, from primary school age through adulthood. In 2023, the Kiwanis family dedicated more than 7.7 million hours to service and completed hundreds of thousands of service projects for local and global causes. Our members come from all walks of life, all corners of the globe and every age group and ability. But make no mistake about it — we are family.

Learn more about opportunities to serve with or become part of other clubs in the Kiwanis family here.

Clubs in the Kiwanis family

Builders Club

Builders Club, designed for students in the middle grades, encourages members to learn more about their interests and talents and to build vital skills for life and success. Members find a place to belong, to work on a team, and to contribute to their community through service leadership.

Key Club International

Key Club International is the organization for students in secondary or high school sponsored by Kiwanis International. Using leadership skills is at the heart of the Key Club experience as members run for elected officer positions, facilitate meetings, do public speaking, engage with the broader community, and plan and implement service projects.

Circle K International

Circle K International empowers college students through service to local, national and global communities. Alongside like-minded peers, officers and members make lifelong friendships and continue to use their leadership skills and passion to make a difference.

Aktion Club

Aktion Club is the only international service club for adults with disabilities. Members develop confidence and self-esteem by holding leadership roles and engaging in meaningful service together. Through club activities, members exhibit care and connect with their community.

Kiwanis International

Since 1915, Kiwanis’ adult volunteers have been improving the lives of children around the world through fundraising and hands-on service projects. Kiwanis clubs sponsor clubs in Service Leadership Programs (including K-Kids) to help people of all ages and abilities discover their passion to serve and their desire to lead. By working together, we become a force for good.