Completing the Annual Achievement Report is a fun and easy way to tell your story, especially if you prepare ahead of time. The K-Kids Annual Achievement Report must be submitted online by April 1. Review the report now and learn what your club needs to do throughout the year to earn a Distinguished Club or Honor Club award. Begin by collecting documentation of the recommended service and leadership activities for members and officers. 

Examples of these activities include: 

  • Club officer elections. 
  • The president leading meetings.  
  • Completed Member, Officer and Advisor guides. 
  • Members participating in activities to identify and use their talents. 
  • Members participating in donation drives.  
  • Members learning about community issues and needs from experts or organizations.  

Items you can submit to demonstrate your club’s activities include: 

  • Images of officers and members engaged in club activities.  
  • Images from at least two types of service projects (hands-on, fundraising, donations and advocacy).  
  • Images or announcements about guest speakers. 
  • Project flyers and posters.  
  • Recruitment materials.  
  • Emails and announcements about projects and club activities.  
  • Completed activities and forms from the three K-Kids guides.  
  • Meeting agendas. 
  • Examples of committee work. 

Throughout the year, save flyers, posters, announcements, letters and digital images — and include explanations of each. Evidence isn’t a written explanation of an activity, but an example of what took place.  

If everything is prepared ahead of time, you and your members should complete the report in 30 to 45 minutes. For maximum efficiency, follow these steps: 

  1. Review the Annual Achievement Report and the K-Kids Awards and Contests Guide with officers and club members well in advance of the April 1 report due date. 
  2. Include club members, including the club secretary, in telling your story. Here’s how: 
    • Select a club photographer to capture members and officers in action.  
    • Create Annual Achievement Report digital evidence folders that match what’s requested in the report so you can easily collect evidence and save it in an organized way. 
    • Ask the storytelling team to review report questions and write answers ahead of time, saving them in a Microsoft Word document. When it’s time to complete the report, copy answers from the document and paste them into the report. 
  3. Send photo release forms home with members for parent/guardian signatures early in the year. Scan and upload photo release forms so you have digital copies ready for the report.  
  4. Identify activities your club has completed already this year. Gather evidence for these activities and save information in your Annual Achievement Report evidence folders. 
  5. Determine what other activities need to be completed before the end of March and identify a plan to collect and save the needed evidence.