There are two tools you can use at the beginning of the year to create a plan to keep track of and complete important club tasks. The K-Kids Advisor Guide contains a two-page Quick Start Guide for advisors to use as a checklist for important tasks throughout the year:  

  • Communicating as the faculty advisor with the Kiwanis advisor and sponsoring Kiwanis club. 
  • Determining the year’s meeting schedule and location. 
  • Completing officer elections, committee chair appointments and training. 
  • Setting a club budget and raising money. 
  • Working with officers to create a club service plan. 

Similarly, the questions in the K-Kids Annual Achievement Report cover the most important activities that Kiwanis International encourages clubs to complete each year with members. Review the report’s questions with club officers at the beginning of the year to plan how each item will be achieved and documented. A K-Kids club can earn a Distinguished Club or Honor Club award by completing as many of the activities as possible and submitting the report with evidence of these accomplishments by the April 1 deadline. Questions in the report include: 

  • Did the club elect officers? 
  • Did the club use at least two of the three guidebooks? 
  • Did the club help members research to learn about a cause or community need? 
  • Did members interact with people outside the club? 

Set aside a little planning time with these tools — and set a course for a successful K-Kids year!