Become a sponsor or cosponsor

Support a Builders Club and increase your impact on the community.

Sponsor a K-Kids club

K-Kids are the Kiwanis family’s youngest members. K-Kids clubs thrive by engaging with the community around them and connecting to other clubs. You can make that happen by sponsoring a K-Kids club. This means more than offering financial support. It means having a mutually beneficial relationship that helps both students and your club.

For Kiwanis clubs, the benefits of sponsorship include:

  • Expanding the Kiwanis family.

  • Expanding your club’s visibility among schools and kids’ families.

  • Doing intergenerational service and activities together.

  • Improving service impact in your community through K-Kids service projects.

The expectations for a Kiwanis club that sponsors a K-Kids club are:

  • Pay the charter fee and annual K-Kids club renewal fee to Kiwanis International.

  • Appoint a Kiwanis advisor to the club. Ensure the advisor receives adequate training, including adherence to Kiwanis Youth Protection policies.

  • Ensure the Kiwanis advisor attends K-Kids meetings and events and works with the faculty advisor to determine which activities they will help with.

  • Host or participate in joint activities (whether for service or celebration) involving K-Kids advisors, officers and/or members.

  • Invite K-Kids advisors, officers and/or members to attend Kiwanis club meetings so they can share their club’s accomplishments.

Cosponsor a K-Kids club

A Key Club or Circle K International (CKI) club can also cosponsor a K-Kids club — with the help of a Kiwanis club. Cosponsoring clubs have some of the same responsibilities as the sponsoring Kiwanis club. Discuss your cosponsor role with the Kiwanis club and the K-Kids club advisors.

Things Key Club and CKI cosponsors can do to make the K-Kids club experience positive for its members and officers are:

  • Be mentors and model service leadership.

  • Lead meetings using the K-Kids virtual meeting kits.

  • Lead K-Kids through service project planning using the K-Kids Service Guide.

  • Assist with K-Kids service events.

  • Invite members to assist with Key Club or CKI service projects.

  • Organize a Kiwanis family service project, partnering with your sponsoring Kiwanis club and K-Kids club.

  • Train club officers.

  • Help the Kiwanis club meet the cost of chartering and/or renewing the K-Kids club.

Start a club

Learn how to charter a K-Kids club in your community!